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The School Budget Vote is scheduled for
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

You must go out and vote NO on the budget!

Who's in charge here?

KUDOS to Margaret Menge, editor of the Cornwall Local for her March 9, 2007, article titled “Who’s in charge here?  

Budget Bamboozlement!

The Webster’s dictionary defines bamboozlement as “to deceive by underhand method – hoodwink, duped”. And that’s exactly what the Board of Education and administration are doing with the 07-08 budget and bond vote.

This year in addition to the budget they are also going to ask you to pass a bond vote.

What is the total cost to you on these two items? As of this writing no one is saying.

Just how good are
Cornwall Schools?

So, what do you think of our Cornwall School System? Ask this question to any one of your neighbors and most of them will likely tell you what they heard.


Should we put it in reverse?

The September 9, 2005 issue of the Cornwall Local detailed how Seniors in our wonderful town can meet their ever-skyrocketing school taxes by taking out a reverse mortgage on their homes.


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